By Cuban standards, the 1949-50 Acebo set is particularly rare. Certainly not common, but there are several sets that are tougher. What is extremely rare is the 1949-50 Acebo Newton Estape premiums. These are 8" by 10" photographic versions using the same image that appear on the cards, all taken by the famous Cuban photographer, Newton Estape. Each one features his stamp on the reverse. I don't know how many examples of each player exist. 20 years ago I saw a complete set in Cuba. I have never seen another example of the Chuck Connors outside of this one and the one in that set. However, it's quite possible that set was broken up and this is actually from that set, which would make this the only example I've ever seen. The image quality is amazing on all of these premiums. The two key cards in the set are Chuck Connors and Ray Dandridge. Possibly unique.